Interior design for a nightclub
A homage to underwater worlds, captured in aquamarine crystals, golden lighting and rustic backgrounds.
Interior design for a retail chain
We translate a fresh and informal corporate identity into a tangible and coherent spatial design.
Aquatic interior design of a resort hotel
A dance of light and shadow that represents, in its play with water, a story of mystery and wonder.
A lobby that celebrates nature
There’s no better sanctuary than the lobby of this resort hotel to enjoy a coffee or cocktail at sunset.
Interior design: Night of City, China
A place for immersive leisure where "the spatial experience becomes a process of metamorphosis".
Interior Design: Future City Shopping Centre, Qingdao, China
"Primitive and mysterious scenes (...), vibrant colours, light and shade, invokes an imaginative and dreamlike atmosphere".
Interior design of a luxury restaurant
When the interior becomes an experience that adds to the gastronomic delight.
Interior design for positive impact
Major associations of interior designers, bringing together students and educators as well as manufacturers and suppliers, sign an agreement for design accountability.