“Kids Build Cities”, is the name its creator, the architect Naama Blonder, has given it. It aims to involve children in the planning and development of cities.

The project was born from a community consultation in a neighbourhood in the city of Toronto; concerning the remodelling of one of its most emblematic establishments and where the architect was present. Thanks to her experience, she helped to enter deeper into the dialogue and concerns of the neighbours, assuming that citizens don’t often understand the rules with which designers are confronted.

This lead her to develop “Kids Build Cities”, a board game that challenges young (and not so young) people to develop their own cities, following rules applicable in a real environment. In this way, through fun and interaction, citizens are more committed and open to the dialogue of common planning.

The game consists of building urban blocks composing of: housing, libraries, parks, pools, stores and offices. To win, the players must construct blocks with the greatest number of uses, but the available space in these blocks is limited, so the time comes when vertical construction is required; and it is at that point where the urban debate begins.

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