With the aim of creating a new soft playground, the Amusement Logic’s Design Department has been inspired by elements that offer an endless number of different shapes and angles: letters. With them, we can compose the most original and creative games, unique playgrounds that we call Typo Park. These children’s play areas are ideal for installation in urban spaces, hotels and resorts, shopping centres, campsites and many other leisure and tourist attractions.

Children will be surprised and will have double the fun by interacting in a different way with an element of everyday life that they recognise, but do not associate with fun. Such familiar motifs, related to study, culture, language, which children sometimes look on as an obligation, are suddenly elements of play and fun. This is the unique character of what will represent a stand-out attraction in those urban parks, hotels and resorts, shopping centres, campsites and many other attractions for leisure and tourism in which they are integrated.

Typo Park is a new way of reinterpreting playgrounds, with a series of large soft letters, configurable in an infinite number of shapes and colours, the work of Amusement Logic’s Design Department.

By Pablo Pérez, designer in the Amusement Logic Design Dept.

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