Stairs are an architectural element whose origin goes back millennia into the past, probably to the time when the wheel was invented. Although we have never renounced their usefulness and in fact have used them in many of our more than 350 leisure, tourism and entertainment projects around the world, we have decided to dispense with them in the attraction we present today. Why? Just for the fun of the children, as the stairs lack any challenge for them. In this new game we have replaced them with an element that challenges the youngest family members to reach the slides to which it gives access. We have called it Scolopendra.

Scolopendra is an interactive game concept whose main novelty is the way of accessing the children’s slides. Kids have to climb up the central part of the game, made up of ropes and spheres, keep their balance, and finally climb the platforms, one at each end, to launch themselves down the slides. Like a suspension bridge, the little ones are challenged to cross over the spheres, either on their own or in collaboration with other playmates, to enjoy the slides. The structure is stabilised by means of braces that prevent lateral movement and provide access to the platforms. In this way, Scolopendra encourages children’s psychomotor skills, the development of balance and teamwork.

We manufacture the platforms and their roofs with our 3DTech technology. The structure is no more than 60 cm high in the central part, whilst the platforms are 90 and 120 cm high, in order to adjust to the height of the slides. The entire safety area is protected by the anti-fall rubber padded floor. The combination of a wide range of colours allows customisation to suit each project. As it is dry playground equipment for children, as well as being ideal for parks and public places, it can be easily installed in hotels and resorts, campsites or shopping centres. Scolopendra, an original and innovative game, will bring added value to any play installation or any environment in which it plays a leading role.

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