As has become usual, this month we’re presenting another new product, the result of our R+D team’s studies and analysis, whose purpose is the evolution and characteristics of play.

The Kaleido, a name that will appear in leisure spaces around the world, is a complex structure, formed by triangular prisms turned together. They form the game’s play tunnels that allow users to move around three-dimensionally, climbing, jumping or crawling.

“The objective is to provide kids the tools and spaces, so that they create the game. We should give them freedom and support their creativity”, this is the premise that some of the components transmit. “It allows psychomotor skills to be boosted, in a different space”.

It can be created in a wide range of stimulating colours, which will perfectly fit into any leisure centre. The exterior panels can be used to hang exhibitions, comic vignettes or any graphic concept that promotes art and culture amongst kids.

Without a doubt, its further proof that a well-designed leisure area can provide more fun, freedom and imagination than a simple swing or see-saw.

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