Amusement Logic presents a proposal to refresh the environment in hot places or in intense summers. It is a design that takes advantage of the properties of water as a purifying, relaxing and refreshing element. Water symbolises life, movement, cycles, and its beneficial effects on living beings are well known. The design presented here is highly versatile and can form part of a variety of environments, whether in hotels and resorts, campsites, water or theme parks, shopping centres or public spaces. It is a misting capsule that enriches the landscape and creates spaces for contemplation and well-being.

Fresh Shade represents a meeting place, a small square with built-in benches that encourages social relations and refreshes the atmosphere. At the same time as it generates shade, it raises a mist in the air, which reduces the outside temperature thanks to evaporation, and maintains pleasant humidity levels. It is particularly suitable for hotels and resorts, campsites, water or theme parks, shopping centres or public places where temperatures are high during the day.

The misting capsule proposed by Amusement Logic, beyond its aesthetic and decorative power, ensures passers-by or visitors to leisure and tourism facilities such as hotels and resorts, campsites, water or theme parks, shopping centres or other public spaces, the relaxation, sensations of calm, wellbeing and serenity provided by water mist.

By Belén Jiménez, designer in the Design Department of Amusement Logic
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