Often, large water parks or hotels and resorts, high-end campsites and various urban developments, set up reserved areas in their aquatic facilities for guests and visitors to enjoy their leisure time in a more private way. Amusement Logic proposes taking this luxury concept a step further with the design of small floating villas for VIPs. The fact that the villas are floating, in addition to the added privacy, offers the advantage that they can easily change location and/or orientation according to the wishes of their occupants.

Our design is inspired by organic marine forms, specifically the shape of a shell. This protects guests from solar radiation, whilst providing an atmosphere of relaxation, recreation and seclusion. Light, visually weightless elements form an elegant space. Versatile, adaptable and orientable, the villas can be configured as stand-alone units, or in groups. Our design can be implemented in aquatic facilities in water parks, hotels and resorts, etc., and also in beach clubs, marinas, or in large bodies of water such as our Amusement MegaPools.

From the point of view of tourists, guests and visitors, VIP floating villas offer a very attractive exclusive service. From the point of view of the operators of aquatic, tourism and leisure facilities, the villas are a differentiating element, an added value factor and additional profitability.

By Guillermo Ferrer, Senior Architect in Amusement Logic’s Architecture Dept.
