Amusement Logic’s Design Department team is always looking for innovative ways for children’s play or, in other words, to inspire children’s imagination. With this proposal, it also seeks a genuine connection with the natural environment. Contemporary design, vibrant colours and playful functionality come together to create a unique play and learning environment.
Modular capsules with a design that opens them up to green areas. These capsules, or modules, offer children a haven for reading, drawing, chatting or simply exploring their playfulness and creativity. The bright colours stimulate their senses and the circular, self-contained shapes and customised spaces encourage interaction between them.

These structures are ideal for attracting families and encouraging children’s play life in public parks, gardens, schools and residential communities. Because promoting outdoor play and offering alternatives to digital entertainment is a way to contribute to the healthy and natural development of children.
By Belén Jiménez, designer in Amusement Logic’s Design Dept.