According to the “Expectations 2016” report from consultants Deloitte, which analyses the situation of Spanish tourism, the sector is enjoying good health and the outlook continues to be positive.
As can be seen in the accompanying graph, in less than 15 years Spain has increased the number of foreign tourists by almost 20 million visitors and in the last three years, our country has consolidated itself as an international point of reference. 2016 is forecast to close with more than 70 million foreign visitors.

Furthermore, there is a positive trend in several indicators:

● Total tourist spending reached 68,385 million Euros in 2015, 8,5 % more than in the previous year.
● Tourist activity represents 10.2% of the GDP and it creates 11.4% of employment, counteracting the deficit of the Spanish trade balance.
● Spain is world leader in tourism: worldwide, it is the second country in terms of international tourism revenue and fourth in the number of international tourists.

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