Shade is a precious commodity during the summer, the hottest months of the year. Moreover, it is an indispensable commodity in many leisure and tourism facilities, where visitors have to spend many hours of the day outdoors. Amusement Logic is aware of this issue and proposes various solutions to offer shade to visitors in hotels and resorts, water or theme parks, shopping centres, campsites and other attractions in the sector. On this occasion, the company presents the Puzzle Shader system.
Puzzle Shader is a modular system for shading variable areas of the outdoor spaces in leisure and tourism facilities. Based on the iteration and coupling of units of an ultra-light three-lobed structure covering up to 30 m2 of surface area, with 4 m overhangs and a distance between support poles of 6 m, Puzzle Shader can reach any scale. Its modularity also gives the system a flexibility that allows numerous and varied configurations. In this way, Puzzle Shader can produce shade over a large area, or create shaded walkways, depending on the requirements of each project. This makes the system suitable for car parks, queuing and waiting areas or rest areas, whether in hotels or resorts, theme parks or water parks, campsites or shopping centres.
Puzzle Shader structures are made of painted steel, with bolted steel braces. Carbon fibre rods threaded and curved into the outer flanges of the canvas give the parasol its shape. This construction facilitates transport in a minimum of space and allows for easy installation. Finally, the pole footings are calculated according to the weather and wind conditions in the area where the Puzzle Shader system is to be installed.