In the BIM (Building Information Modelling) modelling environment, Industry Foundation Classes (or IFCs) refer to an open file format used by the programmes that operate in it. The extension for this format is “.ifc”.

Currently, within this format, the most widely used version in the construction industry is the so-called IFC2x3. This was created between 2006 and 2007 and became widespread with most certified software in 2013 and 2014. However, over time, there have been problems related to the flawed interoperability of IFC2x3. For example, this format does not support parametric geometry. In addition, curves are modelled as polygons, which results in slow and unattractive visualisation of the model.

To solve these difficulties, buildingSMART started working on a new version of the format: IFC2x4, also known as IFC4. This version offers better consistency throughout the schema and allows the file to be reduced and optimised once the model has been completed with datasets. It also aims to allow for more consistent results in exports and round-tripping of IFC models.

Technical bug fixes in IFC2x3 and developments in IFC4 include:

-Support for energy calculations and advanced simulations.

-Added support for surfaces and b-spline curves.

Improved work with 4D by simplifying the definition of task times, work schedules and timetables.

-Improved interoperability between BIM and GIS (Geographic Information System).

-And the possibility of extending IFC to the infrastructure.

As can be seen, IFC4 presents a comprehensive list of improvements. However, the software still needs to adapt to establish the new format in the same way as it did with IFC2x3.

By David González Molina, BIM Manager at Amusement Logic Architecture Dept.

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