After 5 years of construction shrouded in secrecy to protect the Mickey spirit, the few leaked videos seem to indicate that Disney’s resort in Shanghai will keep its opening date scheduled for the 16th of the sixth month of 2016 (the number 6 is lucky for business according to Chinese tradition).

you can see a film of the park posted on YouTube on the 6th April. There appear to be many new attractions and concept changes in regards to the traditional Disney park model.
The project was approved by the Government in 2009 and the first stone was laid on the 7th April 2011. It is the 12th Disney park and the fourth one in Asia. Covering more than 4 km2 and with an estimated investment of more than 6,3 billion US$, the opening of the first Disney park in the largest world market is expected to have several consequences:
In this video

1. An enormous increase in direct revenue in Disney’s coffers
2. Greater protection of its intellectual property (including brands such as Star Wars, Marvel or Pixar)
3. Better understanding of Chinese clients by Disney
4. A higher level of Chinese demand that will lead to a clean-up of the sector, eliminating competitors with a lower level of service and consolidating those that are serious.

Having overcome the challenge of a project of this kind, will also have represented an important internal milestone for the Disney team.

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