In water parks, regular maintenance operations such as the emptying of pools, tanks and cleaning of filtration equipment generally involve the discharge of chlorinated water into the sewage system. Amusement Logic integrates, both in existing and new water parks, solutions for the use and reuse of this water.

Water from swimming pools and water park facilities, with a high chlorine content, requires prior dechlorination treatment before it can be reused. Since chlorine is a volatile element, it is removed from the water by evaporation. However, chlorine evaporates naturally, exclusively from the water surface, the only area in contact with the air. To increase the chlorine’s evaporation rate and shorten the duration of the process, we use a forced aeration treatment of the water. This consists of injecting air through diffusers, from the bottom of the water mass, so that the bubbles generated allow a considerable increase in the surface area in contact with the air.

Once dechlorinated, this water can be collected in ponds or tanks for subsequent reuse, for example, in the irrigation of landscaped areas or in the filling of toilet cisterns. Therefore, dechlorination by aeration is a solution that contributes to the sustainability of aquatic facilities.

By Luis Llor, Head of Hydraulics in the Department of Architecture at Amusement Logic