A lazy river is basically a channel-shaped pool in which water flows gently. This current carries visitors and tourists, calmly and leisurely on floats. It is a water attraction that appeals to audiences of all ages, for whom it has a large capacity and where therefore, by the way, there is no need to queue. Without a doubt, a water park does not deserve such a name if it does not have an emblematic attraction such as the lazy river.

The layout of a lazy river is determined from an infinite number of possibilities at the water park design stage, so that it fits in and integrates harmoniously with the other water attractions. At the same time, various accessory elements can be added, such as waterfalls, water jets, wave machines, etc., which enrich the experience of the visitors and tourists who enjoy it.

The water ride on the lazy river allows the whole family to travel through the park, while delighting in different experiences as they go along their journey. For example, the ride is made a even more exciting by adding wave generators to some of its sections.

Finally, the design of this water attraction must take into consideration the water movement systems that generate the constant flow. The location of the pumping stations, the geometric design of the pool and the engineering will ensure maximum energy efficiency. Amusement Logic has developed precisely those water movement systems that are unparalleled in the market, with extensive advantages in terms of operation, maintenance and energy savings.

By Pablo Vidal, Senior Architect in Amusement Logic’s Architectural Dept.

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