The dome, a semi-spherical structure widely used in architecture since Roman times, is the key to a new project on which we are working.

The classic dome, technically is the result of revolutionising an arch. The stresses that a traditional dome transmits to the pillars that sustain it are so complex, that its resolution has been one of the main challenges in the history of architecture, usually meaning the use of thick pillars and buttresses.

With the advent of new technologies, the evolution of lightweight and easily manipulated self-supporting materials, (what in Amusement Logic we call the skin of the building), and with new 3D modelling programs, we can create an original and attractive dome design, adaptable to any size and with an extraordinary variety of possible uses: from the shading of a terrace in winter, to the roof of an Olympic stadium.

Our idea can be seen in the image, adapted to the scale of a musical events venue. Our dome is elegantly deformed in different layers, providing a play of light and shadows, and surfaces which properly lit, hint at the show inside.

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