We’re working on the architectonic development of a building that has a kinetic skin, giving it an emblematic character.

During daylight, the façade is presented as a sculptural ensemble with a vertical tendency, made up of organically cut panels. These panels, anchored to the façade forming different angles, protect the building from solar radiation.

As time passes, the façade offers a new visual appearance, as the panels open and favour the entrance of natural light at dusk. These two visual perceptions are achieved with differential movement on the axis of each vertical piece.

In effect, a score of vertical structures support the panels that make up the façade. Each of these serve as an axis for two planes that open with ocean-inspired organic shapes.

During the day, the panels’ vertical geometry and sobriety of their tones grant the building an aesthetic elegance. The façade’s three-dimensional shapes project different shadows as time passes.

At night, the building is transformed aesthetically and has a more dynamic appearance. The turning of the panels allows the rear face to be seen, showing an attractive luminous contrast.

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