The repetition of patterns is a resource used profusely in architecture since time immemorial. Floors, walls and façades have constantly shown pattern repetition on different scales, throughout the history of architecture.

In Amusement Logic we have frequently used this method, as the numerous newsletter articles we have published on the subject during all these years, testify. In the majority of cases, we have applied repetition not so much to structural elements, but to façades, whether fixed or kinetic. This shows the technique’s enormous versatility. Here we present a new exploration of the use of repetition, applied to a building’s skin, with an added factor.

Indeed, this month’s design is based on the juxtaposition of modular patterns that, when rotated in a matrix, create infinite combinations, resulting in as many designs. They can therefore create highly varied drawings and graphic aspects. The secret for this is found in the rotation factor. When we apply random orientations to these patterns or mosaics by means of rotation, the shapes of each module are combined again and joined, so that they produce an almost infinite number of different patterns.

Already in the 18th century, the scientist and mathematician Sebastien Truchet studied the structure and capacity of this type of mosaics, whose results he poured into the book Methode pour faire une infinité de desseins differens, avec des carreaux mi-partis de deux couleurs par une ligne diagonal, (Method to make an infinite number of different designs, with tiles divided in two colours by a diagonal line), which we encourage you to browse and read (in French) to further study the matter.

Since we always pay close attention to the feasibility of our projects and designs, we have found that the manufacturing and installation costs of the panels that compose this new architectural skin, are easily bearable. However, the visual impact and infinite possibilities will make the façade, and therefore the building it covers, a unique element within the urban environment.

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