The pushover analysis method is used to evaluate accurately and in detail the non-linear behaviour of structures under incremental seismic loads. It is a valuable tool in the field of earthquake engineering. Unlike linear methods, pushover analysis takes into account the redistribution of stresses and strains of the structure as it is subjected to increasing loads.
One of the main benefits of this method is its ability to accurately determine the ultimate load that a structure can withstand. In doing so, it provides essential assurance that the building meets the required safety and seismic resistance standards.

The results of the analysis with this method are represented graphically, so that it is clearly identified when and where capacity limits are reached, as well as the non-linear behaviour of the building or structure under seismic loads. This facilitates the prediction of inelastic deformations or the formation of plastic hinges in structural elements, whether they are made of concrete or steel.
Pushover analysis, as we see, is an essential tool in earthquake engineering that provides a realistic and complete representation of the behaviour of structures under seismic loads. Thanks to it, we identify critical points, we are prepared to optimise the design of structures and, consequently, we carry out the construction of safe and efficient buildings in areas at risk of earthquakes.
By Jean Carlos Soto, Senior Structural Engineer in Amusement Logic’s Architectural Dept.