Shopping malls can be much more than just places for shopping. The concept proposed by Amusement Logic through its Design Department is that of a shopping centre as a special environment in which architecture enthrones nature. The shopping experience is therefore transformed into a refreshing, sensory stroll. With it, the traditional idea of a shopping centre disappears in favour of that of an oasis.

Hidden among geological formations that seem to have been sculpted by time, the space opens up as a natural refuge where light and water play a leading role. The organic shapes of the façades, evoking chalk cliffs, provide the calm that only comes from the serenity of nature, inviting visitors to disconnect from the urban bustle and concentrate on shopping. Palm trees and plants of carefully chosen species reinforce the atmosphere of well-being and relaxation. Meanwhile, water sparkles dynamically in the ponds.

Soft textures, neutral colours, ponds, greenery, but also the distribution of space – all of these are conducive to the comfortable flow of passers-by along a pleasant and memorable route. After all, the commercial architecture of the future should also communicate with the language of the environment and signify healthy sustainability. Both visitors and the brands that appeal to them find in these spaces an air of exclusivity and beauty, an ideal shopping climate.

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