Permeable paving, whether continuous or modular, allows water to filter through it. Through its use, water is filtered into the ground and can be captured in the lower sub-layers for reuse or evacuation to the network. Likewise, given the different layers of the substrate, the different dirt particles can be retained and prevented from contaminating the ground or reaching their final destination.

There are various types of permeable paving: continuous porous (made of resins, concrete, asphalt, etc.), turf, gravel, or modular made of blocks, tiles, etc. These permeable pavements make it possible to regulate and reduce flow peaks, avoid deep excavations and optimise sewerage networks and their collection points. In addition, they offer great versatility in design and allow for an efficient use of the available space.

By Juan Guardiola Cutillas, architect in Amusement Logic’s Architecture Dept.

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