In many of the leisure and tourism projects developed by Amusement Logic, be it a water or theme park, family entertainment centre, hotel or resort, campsite, shopping centre or other, it is necessary to have a parking area. Well, with the advance of new technologies, useful design tools are emerging for this type of facilities. We can use one of these tools precisely for the creation of car parks: generative design.

Indeed, nowadays we have at our disposal generative design programmes such as, for example, TestFit. It is enough to specify parameters such as the geometry of the plot or the terrain, and to decide other variables such as the size of the parking space, the width of the streets, the number of parking spaces and so on, to obtain a specific design of the parking area as a result.

In addition, the generative design offers different parking solutions or layouts to choose from, for the same parameters and the same terrain geometry. In this way, the design team can discuss with the client, with greater agility, if not immediacy, different models of the car park for the water or theme park, family entertainment centre, hotel or resort, campsite, shopping centre or leisure and tourism facility they are planning. In contrast, traditional design fitting systems required much longer times for the same task. As a result, we will spend more time on creative tasks and providing the client with the best possible solution for their needs.

But what do we gain from generative design in terms of the design itself, not so much the process of producing it? Mainly, an optimisation and better use of space, in this case to accommodate the largest possible number of vehicles in the most efficient way.

By David González Molina, BIM manager in the Architecture Department of Amusement Logic.

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