The flight of a butterfly on a clear spring day, gentle waves lapping on to the beach or the invisible trajectory of the stars on clear nights: these are some of the images evoked by this new street furniture design, created in Amusement Logic’s R&D&I Department. This is the Parabol Shader, an innovative shading system for urban environments such as squares and promenades, as well as tourism and leisure facilities such as hotels, resorts, water or theme parks, campsites and shopping centres. Its evocative design makes it an elegant and graceful landscaping element.

Parabol Shader is based on a support structure generated by the matrix rotation of an arc in two parallel lines. By selecting different turning moments and alternately connecting the arches of each parallel line (with the perpendicular ones truncated), vaulted spaces are created. In addition, fans of slats or strips of canvas are stretched between the lines of arches, resulting in a canopy that casts shade on the underside.

This shading system offers different appearances depending on the point of view, but always conveys a feeling of lightness and relaxation. Parabol Shader does not completely block the sun’s rays, but filters them, so that it casts soft and healthy shade. This makes it ideal for recreational and leisure areas in urban and tourist environments.

Made of steel, the Parabol Shader arches are anchored in footings calculated according to their number, the connections between them and the wind map of the installation area. This versatile system can be complemented with public benches, which makes it also useful for bus stops, parks and recreational areas in cities, hotels, resorts, campsites, shopping centres, water or theme parks and other similar places, where visitors are looking for a space to relax and enjoy an atmosphere of well-being. Parabol Shader is an innovative approach to sun shading systems in urban and tourist environments, offering not only functionality but also elegance and landscape enhancement.