At the beginning of the year we talked about our first project in Tanzania. Well, in this Newsletter edition, we can tell you that our participation in that project has grown, as Amusement Logic has also been awarded the park’s theming works.
Theming is an essential component in any leisure project. It gives the project its personality and spirit, it identifies and differentiates it from other projects and it contributes to the improvement of visitor experience whilst in the park.
In this instance, our client has chosen African theming. Many of the tourists that travel each year to Zanzibar don’t get the chance to see the characteristic elements for which Africa is known, such as the baobabs and its fauna: lions, gazelles, giraffes, hippos and so on. We will recreate all these elements in the park, so that the hotel guests can immerse themselves in Africa’s typical flora, fauna and surroundings, whilst they enjoy Zanzibar’s beautiful beaches and service from the hotel.
They will definitely be happy with their choice of destination and enjoy their vacations.