Published On: 07.08.2013|Categories: Company News|

Articulo USA-news julio

Imagine the most amazing vision you’ve ever had. To you this vision is a picture – it is something you can clearly see. Now imagine that the picture you see so clearly is a puzzle. A puzzle that has a thousand pieces scattered across a table, turned upside down and scattered across the floor below.

The only way this puzzle gets put together is by providing direction and working with the experts in puzzle assembly. The experts in design, architecture and engineering at Amusement Logic have the experience, technical skills and technology to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

At Amusement Logic, they offer a collaborative and innovative approach to development where an owner’s direction coupled with the ideas of the Amusement Logic team, improve and enhance the vision – the picture you see so clearly –allowing everyone else to see exactly what the vision is.

I am the director of a company that is in development of a new concept park in the USA in collaboration with seasoned theme park consultants. After years of working with consultants in different development projects, my team and I have learned that you never know what you will get when you hire a consultant. I use the term consultant to describe a firm hired to assist in development; it could be a designer, builder, engineer, architect, operator, financial expert, lawyer etc. With Amusement Logic you get a firm, rather a team member, who exemplifies what a development partner, should be.

The concept park our team is developing centers on immersive experiences and attractions that break away from those offered at traditional theme parks and amusement parks. These attractions facilitate active guest participation rather than passive guest experiences. Guests will come to the park to interact with the attractions and facilities as well as other people, employees and vendors. Guests will make their own decision as to what attractions, facilities and people they want to interact with, arriving at their ideal entertainment experience.

The Park does not and will not try to be everything to every person, but it will have something, at least one thing, for each and every person to experience and enjoy. The Park has been planned and designed to facilitate above average repeat visitation by its guests.

The Park’s design and operational programming have been developed to facilitate the strategic use of technology in the operations and management of the park. Furthermore, the design and operational planning intend to use technology to enhance the in park experience for the guest, eliminating many of the ‘head-aches’ guests experience in traditional theme parks or amusement parks.

The new concept park is centered on redirecting the in-park guest experience from passive to active participation. The Park will open in mid to late 2015 or early 2016.

This is the first of five articles to be sequentially released in this newsletter. In the next four articles our team will elaborate on additional details regarding the attractions and the guest experiences offered in the park.

Energetic, Enthusiastic and Fun Regards,

The Team

