Splash Pads have established themselves over the years as a popular water attraction. They are commonly found in town and village squares, as well as in larger aquatic facilities for leisure and tourism, such as hotels, resorts, campgrounds, water parks and even shopping centres. Although most commonly found outdoors, Splash Pads are also found indoors, especially in northern countries or countries with extreme climates.

However, outdoor Splash Pads have one small drawback: the lack of protection against intense solar radiation. To address this problem, Amusement Logic’s Design Department has created a new version of this popular water attraction: the Modular Canopy Splash Pad. This design incorporates a modular system of columns, benches and colourful coverings, in addition to the wide variety of play elements that Amusement Logic usually includes in these children’s water parks.

This innovative design provides a safer and more comfortable environment for children and the adults who accompany them. Adults can sit on the benches around the columns while the children play protected from excessive sun exposure. While sunlight in moderate doses is beneficial to health, prolonged exposure can be harmful to the skin of children and adults. The mesh-like coverings allow a portion of the sun’s rays to pass through, while blocking the rest and providing shade.

In addition, the modularity of the system allows for great adaptability. Coverings can be installed on specific areas of the Splash Pad, while other areas are left uncovered. In this way, both children and adults can choose whether they want to stay in the shade or the sun, or move from one area to another while enjoying the activities and interactions on the Splash Pad. All in all, Amusement Logic’s Modular Indoor Splash Pad is an evolution in the design of the popular water attractions that provides greater safety, comfort and versatility for all users.

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