Amusement Logic’s experience in the leisure and tourism sector in general, and in the theme park sector in particular, allows it to keep its finger on the pulse and to witness its advances day by day. Let’s take a look at the latest of these, the current trends in its sector of activity:

-Increasing recourse to Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and interactive technologies in order to create immersive environments, the more captivating the better.

Additional attractions and entertainment alternatives for the whole family. They consist of live and streaming events, allowing visitors to participate regardless of their location. This approach aims to attract a more diverse audience and ensure that there are activities for all ages.

Intellectual property (IP). To attract a wider audience, considerable investment is made in IP-based attractions such as films, TV series and video games, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in their favourite universes.

-Concern for sustainability. Some parks have begun to adopt practices such as the implementation of energy-saving technology, waste reduction strategies and environmentally friendly designs, with the idea of contributing to a more sustainable future.

Big data analytics, also called massive data or data intelligence. This is big data gathered from user behaviour. Parks use the analysis of this data to deliver experiences to visitors based on their individual preferences, as well as to determine issues such as transport or marketing campaigns.

-Creciente oferta de experiencias gastronómicas. Los parques ponen especial atención en la oferta gastronómica, con una selección variada y de alta calidad de alimentos y bebidas. Algunos de ellos han introducido experiencias culinarias temáticas que complementan el concepto general del parque.

-Uso de aplicaciones móviles para la gestión de accesos y la mejora de la experiencia integral del visitante. Muchos parques implementan sistemas digitales para la venta de entradas y aplicaciones móviles, con funciones como rutas personalizadas, recomendaciones basadas en intereses previos, datos de los tiempos de espera en tiempo real y mapas interactivos del parque temático. Estas soluciones no solo facilitan la planificación y compra, sino que también hacen que la visita sea más fluida y agradable.

Por Raúl Soriano, modelador sénior en el Dpto. de Arquitectura de Amusement Logic

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