Although there is as yet no regulation of indoor air quality in the leisure sector, there is now a trend for professionals to be concerned about this issue and to seek to improve it in the leisure facilities they manage. The global pandemic has only intensified the monitoring of this air condition in order to ensure the health safety of both staff and their clientele.

Today, traditional indoor air filtration solutions are being supported by new solutions that proactively address it. Bipolar air ionisation technology is one of these. This technology replicates the process that occurs in nature when positively charged oxygen ions meet negatively charged oxygen ions. In their effort to stabilise, millions of such ions search the air for atoms and molecules to exchange electrons, a process that effectively neutralises particles, bacteria, virus cells, odorous gases and aerosols. The result is cleaner, healthier air.

By Dario Mazzolari Tortajada, MEP Manager at Amusement Logic’s Architecture Dept.

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