Imagination is one of the raw materials from which the projects that Amusement Logic carries out for the leisure and tourism sector, are nourished. It is the starting point for all other processes in water park or theme park projects, right through to their construction and opening to the public. However, it is often the developers who provide the initial spark that ignites the fire of imagination. From there, the company develops the concept or idea that will shape the park, its theming, its design, its layout, etc. On this occasion, we have turned the process upside down, we have put the imagination in power and it is the company that is going to launch imaginative concepts to inspire the developers of the world. Welcome.

Immortality theme park

This would be a park where visitors, upon entering the gates, are covered with a cloak of ‘immortality’ – figuratively speaking, don’t forget that imagination is in power – for the duration of their stay. Attractions include falling from impossible heights, crashing into speeding cars, fighting with laser swords… But none of that will kill anyone, because everyone will live an ‘immortal time’ in the theme park. It’s a park that, with the promise of immortality, will appeal to fans of extreme sports and intense adventure. Entry tickets will be tickets for ‘temporary immortality’. But beware, when leaving, guests must remember that the effect wears off!

Big Mistake Theme Park

Empower your imagination to visualise attractions that do everything backwards and malfunction on purpose. Imagine a ride where walking forward – on a conveyor belt, for example – is walking backwards. Imagine roller coasters that propel you in the opposite direction, haunted houses where ghosts run away from visitors, slides that you don’t slide down, but have to walk or crawl to escape them, or shows that are interrupted by purposely created ‘technical glitches’. It would be the theme park of chaos, structured chaos turned into entertainment. The experience would reach an audience seeking unpredictability, through marketing of pure absurd fun and illogical approaches.

Antigravity Water Park

This bizarre space would be the first water park where water does not follow the rules, but defies the laws of gravity. Imagine that it rains upwards, or that you can walk on water, or that you enter a water slide at its end, so that its track takes you to the ‘reception’ – not exit – tower; visualise inverse waterfalls; or an underground pool in which the water drags you to the surface; or giant bubbles propelled by columns of water; or… Without doubt, an anti-gravity park would be a revolution in aquatic entertainment, in frank defiance of the rules of physics.

Underwater water park

Explore the depths of the ocean without getting wet. This is a water park built under the sea. Amusement Logic would design glass water slides that would be installed underwater, so that users would be surrounded by exotic marine life. Depending on the final location of the underwater water park, we could be launched on slides that cross coral reefs, or dive over seagrass meadows, or cross over a large bank of smooth white sand.

Time Travel Water Park

In this water park, each area would be themed according to a different era. Imagine going from the 1920s to the space age of the 21st century, or to the Renaissance, back to the darkness of the Middle Ages in the 13th century; even further back to prehistoric times; or, of course, forward to a future in which water was a scarce commodity. In this water park, the theming would be the protagonist, and the entry tickets would be tickets for aquatic journeys through time. It could be called, why not, AquaCronos.

(To be continued…)

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