With the technological advances that make driverless vehicles possible, it will no longer be necessary for visitors to drive to the car park and then walk to the entrance of a leisure and tourism facility. In places such as hotels and resorts, shopping centres, etc., guests and visitors will leave their vehicles and, while these drive themselves to the car park, the guests can directly access the leisure facilities.

At Amusement Logic’s Architecture Department, we studied the design of drop-off zones that integrate these new functionalities. The system we have conceived uses IoT (Internet of Things) connections, through which the vehicle receives instructions on where to park. In addition, it can implement a device for charging whilst parked. Once the stay or visit is over, the user will remotely reclaim his vehicle, which will return to the drop-off and pick-up station.

To organise this whole system of vehicle and pedestrian drop-off, access and traffic in hotels and resorts, shopping centres and other leisure and tourism facilities, we have established a biomimetic design, with organic geometry, based on the nature of corals. These collection points will need to be complemented by the architecture of waiting areas, as well as weather protection infrastructures. Our design represents an iconic ensemble, for the construction of which we rely on our 3D-Tech system. In short, it is a technological version of the valet parking service.

By Guillermo Ferrer, senior architect in the Architecture Department of Amusement Logic

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