We’re working on the architectonic design of a new transport hub, an entrance to the city’s underground transport network, which like an iceberg, shows only a small part of itself.
The hub functions as a contemporary and functional structure within the urban space, incorporating the most advanced accessibility, flow mobility and ergonomic criteria. It is born as a proposal for development and urban structural needs, from a modern perception of urban space. In this design, shape and function fuse in perfect balance, to represent an iconic element in the urban fabric.
The station’s spatial design is based on the circulatory flows and location of operational areas, metro and bus. The building’s design comprises a central core of circulation with lifts and escalators, and an organically designed roof that varies in height, from seven to four metres. The building allows passers-by to shelter from the sun and rain and the organic shapes avoid angles and dark areas, thus facilitating great visibility.
The large cantilever structure that protrudes from the ground, houses the city’s bus terminal, which serves both intercity and suburban lines.