At Amusement Logic we are currently researching the design of spaces for sensory experiences. The objective we have set ourselves is to create leisure attractions in which we can experience and learn through the enjoyment of our senses. Therefore, through the implementation of various sensory stimulation techniques, an innovative design offers users a new experience. At the same time, through the senses and interaction, we learn about ourselves and the world, in what is an edutainment attraction.

This new universe for leisure has different spaces, each dedicated to a sense. So, in the “Ocean Room“, designed to stimulate touch, users experiment with materials such as kinetic sand or water, and with surfaces of different textures; they can splash around with their hands, play with boats, mould distant landscapes in the sand or walk barefoot through the different textures. The next space, “Magic Path“, stimulates the sense of hearing; in it, we propose passing through a tunnel crossed by the sounds of the fauna of our universe. In the “Forest of Aromas“, a temple to the sense of smell, we can enjoy the scents of flowers and the fragrances of aromatic plants. In the “Fantasy World“, dedicated to sight, a room with different shaped mirrors will give us back our body transformed to amusing extremes. Finally, and also dedicated to sight, in the “Galaxy” space we will enjoy the peculiarities of our planet and the universe, using videomapping techniques.

By Ángel Ibáñez Pérez, head of MEP in the Department of Architecture at Amusement Logic

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