Urban regeneration: Brahmaputra riverfront, Guwahati, India
The design improves mobility, provides recreational opportunities and creates breathable spaces in a densely populated neighbourhood.
The world’s greenest cities: a tour of the planet’s urban lungs
Who wouldn't like to live in one of these cities, examples of well-being and, at the same time, models of hope?
Water and innovation: nanofiltration with silk membranes
“Silk-based ultra-permeable membranes may offer close to 80% reduction in specific energy consumption”.
Natural lighting in early Christian architecture
Symbolism and liturgical character of natural light in religious spaces in late antique Europe.
An interior design of contrasts, personal and non-transferable
In these interiors, contours and sculptural details build on each other, and on a colour palette of impact.
Sustainability in theme parks: materials
They reduce the environmental impact of the construction, and of the theme park in general, but also reinforce its image.