Tema: New Technologies

Visionary architecture: a single city for the entire world’s population

Imagination is one of the sources from which, as a creative profession, architecture draws its nourishment. Precisely, one of the latest proposals with the greatest dose of imagination has caught our attention: Planet City. It is a visionary idea rather than a project, mixing fiction and reality or, more precisely, science fiction and architecture. Los Angeles-based Australian architect Liam Young proposes a Copernican twist in urban planning and architecture: a single city to house the entire world’s population. This is the part of the imagination, or science fiction, whilst the part of reality is provided by the challenges of deforestation, species extinction and climate change facing the world today, to which he intends to [...]

The UN plans for 83 trillions euros to be used in sustainable infrastructures until 2030.

"The world needs to intensify its efforts (...) to contain climate change in the magnitudes dictated by science —as much as 1.5º Celsius— ", said the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, during the opening of the Climate Action Summit, held in New York last September. "The road we are taking at this moment faces a global warming of at least 3º Celsius by the end of the century," he added, and concluded: "This is not a Climate Negotiation Summit; you cannot negotiate with nature; This is a Climate Action Summit». About 2,000 cities were represented among the main actors of [...]

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