The renovation of children’s and youngsters’ aquatic play spaces in water parks, hotels and resorts or campsites has a new possibility with this design presented by Amusement Logic’s Design Department. It’s an update of kids play areas through the integration of new materials and the bold use of colour. In this way we transform these spaces into areas that awaken the imagination of the youngest kids and attract new generations of visitors.

Colour plays a fundamental role in our proposal, through which we transform the spaces into a kind of kaleidoscope of vivid hues, which excites curiosity and encourages interaction. Translucent surfaces and multi-coloured structures produce a play of light and shadow that changes throughout the day, in a dynamic and immersive experience full of surprises.

Amusement Logic believes that the renovation of spaces is key to maintaining the appeal of aquatic spaces in campsites, hotels and resorts and water parks. This bold and creative idea for children’s and youngsters’ areas ensures that leisure and tourism facilities in these establishments maintain the interest of visitors and tourists over time, with new values and new experiences.