Published On: 11.04.2024|Categories: Company News|

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a material widely used in the creation of three-dimensional structures of all kinds, also in architecture and theming. Its ease of modelling, combined with its low weight and excellent strength-to-weight ratio, makes it an ideal material for the materialisation of artistic and scenographic concepts in theming and the creation of immersive environments.

First, Amusement Logic’s creatives conceive the design. Then, three-dimensional digital models are produced in detail. Finally, using various cutting and moulding techniques, the EPS is shaped with the utmost precision into the actual model.

The following are some of these cutting and moulding techniques:

Hot wire cutting: a hot wire goes through the EPS block, in precise and smooth three-dimensional cuts. This technique is especially useful for sculpting smooth curves and intricate details.

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Milling: This technique uses a programmable machine to sculpt the EPS with millimetre precision. It is ideal for the creation of detailed architectural structures, complex geometries or large figures.

However, to produce large figures and, in the case of architecture, themed façade cladding and finishes, a variety of materials and techniques are used, namely:

Resin and fibreglass cladding: these allow for fine detailing and realistic finishes, while offering great weather resistance and therefore durability.

Cement and mortar coatings: ideal for surfaces and façades that require a stony or textured appearance, resulting in a hard-wearing and natural-looking surface.

Paints: The application of special paints and finishing techniques allows realistic details and visual effects to be added to themed structures and figures.

Polyurethane coatings: offer a light and strong alternative for shaping architectural and decorative elements, with a wide range of textures and finishes.

By combining these cutting and coating techniques, Amusement Logic, as a theme park design and construction firm, brings imaginary worlds to life with an exquisite level of detail and realism.

By Cristina Uchán, Senior Architect in the Architecture Department at Amusement Logic

