Published On: 07.08.2013|Categories: Company News|

architecture-news julio2

The architectonic theory of the last century has been polarized by the debate between the different variants of functionalism, for which the use is the ultimate end and therefore the form follows the function, and of symbolism, for which the architecture is the transmitter of messages, ideas or concepts and consequently considers that the expressive form is priority.

The development of this debate has tended to overlook the importance of the existential phenomenon of mood, which has been relegated to the status of a marginal phenomenon in the hands of feng shui type pseudo-sciences. However, our specific mood, as the Martin Heidegger philosophy indicated, is not a secondary add-on, but our fundamental way of being in the world, from which we open ourselves up to experience of the same.

This is why the variable of mood should form part of the design from the beginning. The fact that this variable is so elusive and difficult to manage does not impede that a bad understanding of the same can make projects fail. There are three strategies to deal with it: on the one hand, architecture can be used to induce or provoke determined positive moods; on the other hand, architecture should be designed that synergistically connects with already existing moods; lastly, given that positive mood in our societies is fragile, the design should avoid spoiling or disappointing it.

The projects developed by Amusement Logic, as a specialist in leisure architecture, always take into account from the first creative stages the mood of the clients of our parks and buildings, generally associated with the desire for freedom, adventure, surprise and fun. Their way of being in the world is to be open to experience, to the discovery of new worlds and our way of designing connects with this, as this way of being in the world is also our own.

The criteria to value architecture can no longer just be those of functional use or linguistic sense and new criteria of emotional use or vital sense pave the way. In parallel, architectural tools can no longer just be the conventional construction language and technique. This is why Amusement Logic is developing an entire line of products and strategies that, whilst remaining at the forefront of technology, are oriented to all these new possibilities that are opening up before us.

